The Pink Triangle, San Francisco
San Francisco Pride Official Event
The Pink Triangle
The next Pink Triangle starts in 2025-06-01 20:00:00 GMT-08:00, on Sunday June 1st, 2025.

The current 2024 Pink Triangle can be viewed until Sunday June 30th when it will be taken down with the help of volunteers.

Donations are always welcome. Volunteers are needed to help with the next 2024 PINK TRIANGLE installation, please SIGN UP here or email Patrick Carney at !

This 1 minute NBC Bay Area news story shows why volunteers are needed.


Pink Triangle founder Patrick Carney introduces the following HONORED GUESTS: San Francisco Mayor London Breed who is with us for the 7th time. The “History of the Pink Triangle” will be told by Drag Icon, supreme Hostess and former Empress Juanita More. Sister Vina Sinfurrs of the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence makes an unexpected appearance to annoint Patrick Carney as “St. Patrick the Pink”.

First Lady of the Castro”: Donna Sachet will speak, along with City of San Francisco Office of Transgender Initiatives Director Honey Mahogany.

Other honored guest speakers include: CA State Senator Scott Wiener, SF Treasurer Jose Cisneros, SF City Attorney David Chiu, SF Supervisor Rafael Mandelman, SF Supervisor Matt Dorsey, SF Supervisor Ahsha Safai, SF Assessor/Recorder Joaquin Torres, and SF Pride Executive Directors Suzanne Ford and Nguyen Pham.

Joe Rodriguez of “Campaign - Americans for Afghans” will speak of the plight of LGBTQ+ people trapped in Taliban-controlled Afghanistan. Starbucks Regional Vice President Jessica Borton appears for the first time to discuss her work at Starbucks to promote diversity and inclusion.

We are delighted that The San Francisco Lesbian/Gay Freedom Band (the “official band” of SF) and cabaret star Leanne Borghesi will be performing again and playing favorites like 'San Francisco'.

THANK YOU to our 2024 sponsors:
SF Pride,
Gilead Sciences,
Kaiser Permanente,
The Bob Ross Foundation (overseen by Tom Horn),
Robert Holgate Philanthropic Fund,
Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence,
Hodgkins Jewelers,
Eye Gotcha Optometric on Castro,
Brian Gerritsen,
and Starbucks.
Thank you for all your contributions. Many thanks to Starbucks for also providing coffee and pastries to volunteers.

Thank you to our Media Sponsors: Betty’s List, SF Bay Times, Bay Area Reporter. Thanks to Katie Hickox for updating and starting the website since 1999.


Pink Triangle founder Patrick Carney introduces the following HONORED GUESTS: San Francisco Mayor London Breed, other elected officials and dignitaries including the Grand Marshals of the SF Pride Parade. The “History of the Pink Triangle” will be told by the nation's first Drag Laureate D'Arcy Drollinger.

Then, current examples of hatred and persecution will be discussed as part of the follow up to the 'history' segment and will feature SF activist Gary Virginia speaking about the draconian homophobic legislation recently passed in Uganda. Dr. Michelle Kraus and Joe Rodriguez will speak of the plight of LGBTQ+ people trapped in Taliban-controlled Afghanistan.

Drag Legend Donna Sachet and SF Pride's Executive Director Suzanne Ford will speak of proposed anti-drag and anti-trans legislation and will share their personal stories.

We are delighted that The San Francisco Lesbian/Gay Freedom Band
(the “official band” of SF) and cabaret star Leanne Borghesi will be performing again and playing favorites like 'San Francisco'.

THANK YOU to our 2023 sponsors: Kaiser Permanente, The Bob Ross Foundation (overseen by Tom Horn), Robert Holgate Philanthropic Fund, SF Pride, former CA State Senator Mark Leno, the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence, Hodgkins Jewelers, Eye Gotcha Optometric on Castro, Brian Gerritsen, and Starbucks for the coffee.

For help inspiring volunteers, the SF Bay Times and Betty’s List as “Media sponsors” along with the Bay Area Reporter.

The Pink Triangle on Twin Peaks will again be a pink canvas display as it was for its first quarter-century and can be seen during the day from nearly 20 miles away. New canvas and sailcloth border materials were ordered many months ago and have arrived to make that happen. The LED lighting was terrific the past three years thanks to the many donations in 2020 (and 2021/22) that enabled and Illuminate's CEO Ben Davis to graciously help during the pandemic year of 2020 when we weren't able to gather hundreds of volunteers due to social distancing. The equipment used for that LED system (3,000 LEDs) was used for an additional two years (a beautiful bonus for sure). For that we are forever grateful and thankful to Illuminate and for the many donations.

To make a tax deductible contribution, click on the pink triangle DONATE button above at the upper left of this homepage.

THANK YOU to all of the volunteers who helped with the setup, monitoring and takedown of the 2022 PINK TRIANGLE installation!


Wednesday, June 1st, 8PM:

The San Francisco Lesbian/Gay Freedom Band (the “official band” of SF) performs before the ceremony. Leanne Borghesi opens the ceremony with singing 'San Francisco'.

Pink Triangle founder Patrick Carney and Illuminate CEO Ben Davis open and introduce honored Guests listed below.

Towards the end of the ceremony the Pink Torch is brought by Dykes on Bikes and the procession ends when SF Mayor London Breed, pushes the pink button to light up the Pink Triangle. The SF L/G Band and Leanne Borghesi close the ceremony with 'CA Here I Come'.

HONORED GUESTS: US House Speaker Congresswoman Nancy Pelosi, San Francisco Mayor London Breed, Jeopardy Champion Amy Schneider tells the “History of the Pink Triangle”, Consul General of Ukraine Dymtro Kushneruk, Performer Donna Sachet, Sister Roma, CA State Senator Scott Wiener, CA State Assemblymember Phil Ting, SF City Attorney David Chiu, SF Supervisor Rafael Mandelman, and SF Supervisor Matt Dorsey.


Tuesday, June 1st Lighting Ceremony at 8PM with Speaker of the US House of Representatives Nancy Pelosi, SF Mayor London Breed, CA State Senator Scott Weiner, SF Treasurer Jose Cisneros, SF District 8 Supervisor Rafael Mandelman, BART Board Member Bevan Dufty and other dignitaries.

Donna Sachet and Gary Virginia told the “History of the Pink Triangle”. Opening and closing music provided by the SF Gay and Lesbian Freedom Band and singer Leanne Borghesi in their first public performance in 15 months!

The 9PM lighting was preceded by the Dykes on Bikes who brought two Pink Torches all the way to the Twin Peaks ceremony from an earlier mini-ceremony at Oakland City Hall with Oakland Mayor Libby Schaaf. From downtown Oakland, the Dykes on Bikes then continued their journey across the SF-Oakland Bay Bridge to another mini-ceremony with Sister Roma at the SF Ferry Building, and then drove onward to their final destination to the top of Twin Peaks where the Dykes on Bikes handed a Pink Torch to both House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and SF Mayor London Breed. Together, Pelosi and Breed pushed the “pink triangular button” to light the 26th annual Pink Triangle.

Many thanks to all the above who participated before and during the opening night ceremony. In addition to the speakers at the ceremony, a huge “THANK YOU” to our 2021 sponsors: SF Pride, the Bob Ross Foundation (overseen by Tom Horn) sponsored the 2021 Pink Triangle t-shirts and masks, the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence, Hodgkins Jewelers, and Brian Gerritsen. Also, a huge “THANK YOU” to our 2021 Media Sponsors: Betty's List, and SF Bay Times (see the Bay Times live-feed Castro Street Cam #2 of the 26th annual Pink Triangle via and to the Bay Area Reporter.

On the support and operations side, a big “THANK YOU” to the SF Mayor's Office, SF Supervisor Rafael Mandelman's office, SF Department of Real Estate for their ongoing support, and the SF Department of Public Works (DPW) for sending a crew to clear much of the hillside site of poison oak and non-native thorny plants; Rec & Park Rangers, officers of the SF Police Park Station who not only provided security and traffic control for the June 1st evening ceremony but also for the continuous 24 hour safeguarding of the display for the month of June; and thanks to volunteer Katie Hickox for starting and updating the Pink Triangle website since 1999.

Thank you to the nearly 500 supporters who have contributed to ILLUMINATE the PINK TRIANGLE. This event could not have continued over a quarter-century without the ongoing dedication of creator/producer Patrick Carney, and his two main helpers/supporters Colleen Hodgkins and Hossein Carney whose efforts have been instrumental each year in completing the project.

Thank you to all the volunteers who have assisted with the setup and taking down of the pink border, the lighting equipment and lastly thank you to anyone (not mentioned above) who has helped in any way to make the 2021 Pink Triangle a successful event! It truly “takes a Village”.

In 2021 the Pink Triangle will be illuminated atop Twin Peaks all of Pride Month, from dusk on June 1st to sunrise on July 1st.

The gigantic illuminated 26th annual Pink Triangle will again SHINE as a beacon of resilience, hope and remembrance over San Francisco in 2021 as a reminder of where hatred can lead.

The Pink Triangle, once a symbol of one of the darkest chapters in human history and now embraced as a beloved symbol of equality, inclusion, hope and perseverance has long been at the center of the city's annual San Francisco Pride celebration.

Even though the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic in 2021 will prevent the traditional large group of community volunteers from installing a huge fabric Pink Triangle, there will be a pink outline visible on the hillside during the daytime and 2,700 LED nodes of pink light at night. It will again be lit by ILLUMINATE and Ben Davis, the masterminds behind the Bay Lights - the illumination of the SF-Oakland Bay Bridge.

In 2020, last year's nighttime display of the PINK TRIANGLE was illuminated during the Global Grand Lighting Ceremony on Saturday June 27, and continued through the night of Friday July 10 and then was taken down Saturday July 11.

Thank you to all the volunteers who signed up and helped with setting up and taking down the borders of the Pink Triangle display.

Thank you to the 500+ people who made an online donation!

It takes a community to come together and put this display on and we could not do this without your support. THANK YOU ALL!

Annual Pink Triangle Installation and Commemoration for SF Pride Weekend 2023

GREAT NEWS - the 25th Pink Triangle illuminated display was a HUGE SUCCESS!

It was ILLUMINATED by the masterminds behind the Bay Lights, the illumination of the SF-Oakland Bay Bridge. The 25th Pink Triangle was augmented by the nonprofit Illuminate under the direction of its Founder & Chief Visionary Officer Ben Davis. The illumination featured 2,700 LED nodes of pink light. The mesmerizing triangle - covering a full acre - served as an enduring symbol of San Francisco’s resilience and as a Beacon of Hope.


Thank you to HONORED GUESTS: San Francisco Mayor London Breed, Sister Roma who told the “History of the Pink Triangle”, German Consul General Hans-Ulrich Suedbeck, CA State Senator Scott Wiener, CA State Assemblymember David Chiu, SF Treasurer Jose Cisneros, and SF Supervisor Rafael Mandelman. Guest speaker introductions were given by Pink Triangle founder Patrick Carney and Ben Davis of Illuminate. We are delighted that Violinist Kippy Marks performed several times during the ceremony. Thank you to Mayor London Breed who declared June 27 “Patrick Carney and Pink Triangle Day in San Francisco”.

A big THANK YOU to our 2020 Sponsors (for general 2020 Pink Triangle event expenses): The SF LGBT Pride Celebration Committee, the Bob Ross Foundation(via Thomas Horn for the t-shirts), the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence, Hodgkins Jewelers, and Brian Gerritsen. For help inspiring volunteers, The SF Bay Times and Betty’s List as “Media Sponsors” along with The Bay Area Reporter and CBS KPIX 5.

A big THANK YOU to the 500+ supporters who contributed to the ILLUMINATE the PINK TRIANGLE GoFundMe charity website.

A big THANK YOU to San Francisco Bay Times for the live camera feeds of the Twin Peaks Pink Triangle Display on July 9th and 10th. Thank you Betty Sullivan and Jen Viegas for facilitating access to these live cams. Thank you John Herren for his technical assistance with making adjustments to the live camera feeds.

Thank you to the Dykes on Bikes and the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence for taking part in the first Pink Triangle Torch Procession which was produced by Patricia Suflita Wilson. Thank you to the 75+ Dykes on Bikes torchbearers for the festive lead up to the 25th Pink Triangle: they carried the torch from Oakland Mayor Libby Schaaf at Oakland's City Hall in downtown Oakland travelling 15+ miles to Twin Peaks in San Francisco. Along the way, they made stops in Oakland and San Francisco travelling across the Oakland-SF Bay Bridge. After the Dykes on Bikes arrived in SF, the Pink Torch was handed over to volunteers who walked on foot starting from the Ferry Building and then kept walking westward along Market Street (which is closed to street traffic until Van Ness Street) to Castro Street. Then the Pink Torch was picked up again by Dykes on Bikes who carried it to Twin Peaks and handed it to SF Mayor London Breed, shown holding the Pink Torch standing between Patrick Carney and Sister Roma standing adjacent to the newly illuminated Pink Triangle as shown in the SF Chronicle photo second from the top of this home page.

SPECIAL THANKS in 2020 to the San Francisco Police Department Park Station for providing traffic control but also providing regular patrols around the clock for over two weeks at the Twin Peaks area to keep an eye on the 2,700 pink LED nodes and edging that made up this year's special illuminated pink triangle display. In previous years, the pink triangle had been vandalized after several pink canvas tarp pieces were set on fire. THANK YOU!

The Pink Triangle is a visible yet mute reminder of man’s inhumanity toward man. The lesson of the Pink Triangle is: "what can happen when hatred and bigotry are allowed to become law".

San Francisco is the ONLY city on the planet with a giant ONE-ACRE Pink Triangle hovering over the city for its Pride Weekend. This giant Pink Triangle is uniquely San Francisco.


HONORED GUESTS: San Francisco Mayor London Breed, German Consul General Hans-Ulrich Suedbeck will give the “History of the Pink Triangle” at the beginning of the ceremony. What better image of how far Germany has progressed since the horrors of the Holocaust’s Pink Triangle than an out-gay-man representing Germany (with his husband and children at his side) telling the history of this tragic symbol? Then French Consul General Emmanuel Lebrun-Damiens will speak. They will join CA State Senator Scott Wiener,CA State Assemblymember David Chiu, SF Treasurer Jose Cisneros, SF Supervisor Rafael Mandelman, SF Community College Trustees Alex Randolph (President) and Tom Temprano (Vice President)and Shanell Williams, along with several of the SF Pride Parade Community Grand Marshalls and Honorees. SF Mayoral Senior Advisor Clair Farley who is a human rights and transgender rights advocate will discuss the Transgender Ban in the U.S. Military and will also be speaking of transgender issues in general as an illustration that there is still much to do in spite of recent gains in the decades since the Pink Triangle was used as a badge in the Holocaust. A special thanks goes to former CA State Senator Mark Leno who will be unable to attend but has always made time to appear and speak every year since first becoming appointed as SF Supervisor in 1998 !

The Band: We are delighted that The San Francisco Lesbian/Gay Freedom Band(the “official band” of SF) will be performing for us again this year as they have been for over 20 years! Thank you to “The Band”!

A big THANK YOU to our 2019 Sponsors: The SF LGBT Pride Celebration Committee, The Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence, The Bob Ross Foundation, Badlands, Toadhall, Hodgkins Jewelers, Lazy Bear Weekend Fund, Rick Stokes owner of Steamworks, Brian Gerritsen, Pendergast Consulting Group, Sue Saiz, Debbie Taylor, Starbucks for the coffee, tea, snacks and store volunteers, and Barefoot & Bubbly for the champagne to be used in the christening of the 2019 Pink Triangle. For help inspiring volunteers, The SF Bay Times and Betty’s List as “Media sponsors” along with the Bay Area Reporter and GLOSS Magazine.

SPECIAL THANKS in 2019 to the San Francisco Police Department Park Station for providing traffic control but also providing regular patrols around the clock at the Twin Peaks area to keep an eye on the pink triangle tarp which has been vandalized in previous years. THANK YOU ALL!

The Pink Triangle is a visible yet mute reminder of man’s inhumanity toward man. The lesson of the Pink Triangle is: "what can happen when hatred and bigotry are allowed to become law".

2018 Commemoration Ceremony Program:

Honored Guests: Cleve Jones (Founder of the NAMES Project AIDS Memorial Quilt and author of the book “When We Rise”) will give the “History of the Pink Triangle” at the beginning of the ceremony. As part of the “History” portion, the German Consul General Hans-Ulrich Suedbeck will speak and introduce his husband and their children at the ceremony. What better image of how far Germany has progressed since the horrors of the Holocaust’s pink triangle? Then French Consul General Emmanuel Lebrun-Damiens will speak and introduce French Goverment Minister Schiappa who is France’sMinister for Equality between Women and Men” (as such she is also in charge of LGBT issues for France). They will join San Francisco Mayor-elect London Breed, CA State Senator Scott Wiener, CA State Assemblymember Phil Ting, CA State Assemblymember David Chiu, SF Treasurer Jose Cisneros, SF Supervisor-elect Rafael Mandelman, SF Community College Trustees Alex Randolph and Tom Temprano, along with many of the SF Pride Parade Community Grand Marshalls and Honorees. A special thanks goes to former CA State Senator Mark Leno who will be unable to attend but has always made time to appear and speak every year since first becoming appointed as SF Supervisor in 1998 !

The Band: We are delighted that The San Francisco Lesbian/Gay Freedom Band(the “official band” of SF) will be performing for us again this year. They are the “Organizational Grand Marshal” this year. Thank you to “The Band”!

Special Guest: Musical Theater Star Leanne Borghesi will sing “San Francisco”, “California Here I come!” along with other rousing tunes and accompanied by the SF L/G Freedom Band.

A big THANK YOU to our 2018 Sponsors: The SF LGBT Pride Celebration Committee, The Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence, The Bob Ross Foundation, Hamburger Mary’s, Hodgkins Jewelers, Starbucks for the coffee, tea, snacks and store volunteers. For help inspiring volunteers, The SF Bay Times and Betty’s List as “Media sponsors” along with the Bay Area Reporter and GLOSS.

SPECIAL THANKS in 2018 to the San Francisco Police Department Park Station for providing traffic control but also providing regular patrols around the clock at the Twin Peaks area to keep an eye on the pink triangle tarp which has been vandalized in previous years. THANK YOU ALL!

The Pink Triangle is a visible yet mute reminder of man's inhumanity toward man. The lesson of the Pink Triangle is: "what can happen when hatred and bigotry are allowed to become law".

The test of any democracy is how well it treats its minorities. The Third Reich demonstrates how easily a government can devise minority scapegoats. During the Holocaust, the Nazi's devised a whole array of colored triangles to label and distinguish their "undesirables". Branding homosexuals as criminals let most Germans feel comfortable looking the other way, while the Nazis went about their persecution. This is a tactic now being used in numerous countries again.

The goal is to educate people about the hatred of the past to help prevent it from happening again. The display continues to have a special meaning one year after the tragic shootings at The Pulse in Orlando, Florida. The display and ceremony are not only to remember the hatred of the past, but to also show we aren't out of the woods yet regarding hatred and violence directed toward the LGBTQ and Latino and other minority communities - as Orlando so vividly illustrates.

Discriminatory laws led to the creation of the Pink Triangle patch that homosexuals were forced to wear in Nazi concentration camps, and the Yellow Star of David badge that Jews were forced to wear under Nazi occupation, and a whole series of colored patches for each of their targeted groups of "undesirables". We try to prevent such hatred from happening again. Click here for further history information.

During the Pink Triangle Commemoration Ceremony at 10:30 am on Saturday June 24, 2017 various speakers will point out that the kind of hatred that existed in the 1930's and 40's still exists today - still exists today - as in Chechnya, Indonesia, Iran, Iraq, Saudi Arabia and so many other nations, and even a few places in the US including here in California. There is much to be done, and education is the key! That is why the Pink Triangle is still being installed after all of the decades - it is a giant learning tool.

2017 Commemoration Ceremony Program:

Honored Guests: former CA Senator Mark Leno, former CA Assemblymember Tom Ammiano, CA Senator Scott Wiener, CA Assemblymember Phil Ting, CA Assemblymember David Chiu, SF Treasurer Jose Cisneros, SF Supervisor Jeff Sheehy, SF Community College Trustee Alex Randolph, African Human Rights Coalition Executive Director and SF Pride Vice President Melanie Nathan, along with many of the SF Pride Parade Community Grand Marshalls and Honorees.

The Band: We are delighted that The San Francisco Lesbian/Gay Freedom Band will be performing for us again this year. Thank you!

Special Guest: Musical Theater Star Leanne Borghesi will sing "San Francisco" accompanied by the SF L/G Freedom Band.

A big THANK YOU to our 2017 Sponsors: Toad Hall owner Les Natali, The SF LGBT Pride Celebration Committee, The Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence, Rick Stokes owner of Steamworks, Hodgkins Jewelers, Starbucks for the coffee, tea, snacks and store volunteers, and Barefoot and Bubbly for the champagne to be used in the christening of the 2017 Pink Triangle. For help inspiring volunteers The Bay Area Reporter, The San Francisco Bay Times, Betty's List for "media sponsors" and Gloss Magazine.

SPECIAL THANKS in 2017 to the San Francisco Police Department Park Station for providing traffic control but also providing regular patrols around the clock at the Twin Peaks area to keep an eye on the pink triangle tarp which has been vandalized in previous years. THANK YOU ALL!

2016 Commemoration Ceremony Program:

Honored Guests: CA Senator Mark Leno, CA Assemblymember Phil Ting, CA Assemblymember David Chiu, SF Treasurer Jose Cisneros, SF Supervisor Scott Wiener, SF Supervisor David Campos, along with many of the SF Pride Parade Community Grand Marshalls and Honorees.

The Band: We are delighted that The San Francisco Lesbian/Gay Freedom Band will be performing for us again this year. Thank you!

Special Guest: Musical Theater Star Leanne Borghesi will sing "San Francisco" accompanied by the SF L/G Freedom Band.

A big THANK YOU to our 2016 Sponsors: Toad Hall and Badlands owner Les Natali, The Apothecarium, SF LGBT Pride Celebration Committee, The Steamworks, Rick Stokes, Hodgkins Jewelers, Starbucks for the coffee, tea, snacks and store volunteers, and Barefoot and Bubbly for the champagne to be used in the christening of the 2015 Pink Triangle. For help inspiring volunteers The Bay Area Reporter, The San Francisco Bay Times, Betty's List for "media sponsors".

SPECIAL THANKS in 2016 to the San Francisco Police Department Park Station for providing traffic control but also providing regular patrols around the clock at the Twin Peaks area to keep an eye on the pink triangle tarp which has been vandalized in previous years. THANK YOU ALL!

During the Pink Triangle Commemoration Ceremony at 10:30 am on Saturday June 25, 2016 various speakers will point out that the kind of hatred that existed in the 1930's and 40's still exists today - as in Orlando, Florida.

2015 Commemoration Ceremony Program:

Honored Guests: San Francisco Mayor Ed Lee, CA Senator Mark Leno, former CA Assemblymember Tom Ammiano, CA Assemblymember Phil Ting, CA Assemblymember David Chiu, CA Assemblymember Mike Gipson, Deputy Consul General of Ireland Kevin Byrne, SF Treasurer Jose Cisneros, SF Supervisor Scott Wiener, SF Supervisor David Campos, SF Director of Housing Opportunity, Partnerships and Engagement (HOPE) and former SF Supervisor Bevan Dufty, along with many of the SF Pride Parade Community Grand Marshalls and Honorees.

The Band: We are delighted that The San Francisco Lesbian/Gay Freedom Band will be performing for us again this year. Thank you!

Special Guest: Musical Theater Star Leanne Borghesi will sing "San Francisco" accompanied by the SF L/G Freedom Band.

A big THANK YOU to our 2015 Sponsors: Toad Hall and Badlands owner Les Natali, The Apothecarium, SF LGBT Pride Celebration Committee, The Castro Lions Club, The Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence, The Steamworks, and Rick Stokes, Haus of StarFish, SF Eagle, Hodgkins Jewelers, Starbucks for the coffee, tea, snacks and store volunteers, and Barefoot and Bubbly for the champagne to be used in the christening of the 2015 Pink Triangle. For help inspiring volunteers The Bay Area Reporter, The San Francisco Bay Times, Betty's List for "media sponsors".

SPECIAL THANKS in 2015 to the San Francisco Police Department Park Station for providing traffic control but also providing regular patrols around the clock at the Twin Peaks area to keep an eye on the pink triangle tarp which has been vandalized in previous years. THANK YOU ALL!

The Pink Triangle is a visible yet mute reminder of man's inhumanity toward man. The lesson of the Pink Triangle is: "what can happen when hatred and bigotry are allowed to become law".

2014 Commemoration Ceremony Program:

Honored Guests: San Francisco Mayor Ed Lee, comedian, actress, and jazz musician Lea DeLaria of TV's hit program "Orange is the New Black", and Celebrity Grand Marshal Ross Mathews, of TV's "Hello Ross", and "Chelsea Lately", CA Senator Mark Leno, CA Assemblymember Tom Ammiano, CA Assemblymember Phil Ting, SF Treasurer Jose Cisneros, President of the SF Board of Supervisors David Chiu, SF Supervisor Scott Wiener, SF Supervisor David Campos, SF Supervisor Malia Cohen, SF Director of Housing Opportunity, Partnerships and Engagement (HOPE) and former SF Supervisor Bevan Dufty, along with many of the SF Pride Parade Community Grand Marshalls.

The Band: We are delighted that The San Francisco Lesbian/Gay Freedom Band will be performing for us again this year. Yeah!

A big THANK YOU to our 2014 Sponsors: Toad Hall and Badlands owner Les Natali, SF LGBT Pride Celebration Committee, The Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence, The Apothecarium, The Steamworks, Powerhouse, Haus of StarFish, The Castro Lions Club, Hodgkins Jewelers, Starbucks for the coffee, tea, snacks and store volunteers, and Barefoot and Bubbly for the champagne to be used in the christening of the 2014 Pink Triangle. For help inspiring volunteers The Bay Area Reporter, The San Francisco Bay Times, Betty's List for "media sponsors".

SPECIAL THANKS in 2014 to the San Francisco Police Department Park Station for providing traffic control but also providing regular patrols around the clock at the Twin Peaks area to keep an eye on the pink triangle tarp which has been vandalized in previous years. THANK YOU ALL!

2013 Commemoration Ceremony Program:

Honored Guests: Michael Tilson Thomas (11-time Grammy winning conductor and Music Director of the SF Symphony) will tell the "History of the Pink Triangle", CA Senator Mark Leno, CA Assemblymember Tom Ammiano, CA Assemblymember Phil Ting, President of the SF Board of Supervisors David Chiu, SF Treasurer Jose Cisneros, SF Supervisor Scott Wiener, SF Supervisor David Campos, SF Supervisor Malia Cohen, SF Director of Housing Opportunity, Partnerships and Engagement (HOPE) and former SF Supervisor Bevan Dufty, Grand Marshal Tabatha Coffey of Bravo TV's "Tabatha Takes Over", Grand Marshal Alex Newell of TV's hit "GLEE", Grand Marshal Mondo Guerra of "Project Runway", along with many of the SF Pride Parade Community Grand Marshalls.

The Band: We are delighted that The San Francisco Lesbian/Gay Freedom Band performed for us in 2013.

A big THANK YOU to our 2013 Sponsors: Toad Hall and Badlands owner Les Natali, SF LGBT Pride Celebration Committee, The Apothecarium, The Steamworks, Powerhouse, Haus of StarFish, The Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence, The Castro Lions Club, Hodgkins Jewelers, Starbucks for the coffee(and tea), and Barefoot and Bubbly for the champagne to be used in the christening of the 2013 Pink Triangle. For help inspiring volunteers The Bay Area Reporter, The San Francisco Bay Times, Betty's List(for email promotion).

The 2013 Pink Triangle was installed on Twin Peaks thanks to the more than 175 volunteers who showed up Sat morning, June 29th, 2013--see KTVU News coverage: Large turnout!

SPECIAL THANKS in 2013 to the San Francisco Police Department Park Station for providing traffic control but also, for the first time, assigning officers to keep an eye on the pink triangle tarp which has been vandalized in previous years. THANK YOU ALL!

2012 Commemoration Ceremony Program:

Honored Guests: Congresswoman Nancy Pelosi, Democratic House Leader; San Francisco Mayor Ed Lee; Grand Marshal Dot Jones of TV's hit 'GLEE' will tell "The History of the Pink Triangle", former Mayor Willie L. Brown Jr. (Lifetime Achievement Grand Marshal) will co-emcee, CA State Senator Mark Leno, CA Assemblymember Tom Ammiano, President of the SF Board of Supervisors David Chiu, SF Treasurer Jose Cisneros, SF Supervisor Scott Wiener, SF Supervisor David Campos, SF Supervisor Christina Olague, SFo Assessor/Recorder Phil Ting, former Supervisor Bevan Dufty, Grand Marshal Carmen Carrera, along with many of the Community Grand marshalls of the SF Pride parade.

The Band: Many thanks to The San Francisco Lesbian/Gay Freedom Band for performing in 2012.

A big thank you to our 2012 Sponsors: the San Francisco LGBT Pride Celebration Committee, Toad Hall and Badlands owner Les Natali, the Castro Lions Club, the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence, Hodgkins Jewelers; for help inspiring volunteers The Bay Area Reporter, The San Francisco Bay Times, Betty's List(for email promotion), and the SF Police Department Park Station for providing traffic control.

2011 Commemoration Ceremony Program:

Honored Guests: SF Mayor Ed Lee, CA State Senator Mark Leno, CA Assemblymember Tom Ammiano, SF Treasurer Jose Cisneros, President of the SF Board of Supervisors David Chiu, SF Supervisor Scott Wiener, SF Supervisor David Campos, SF Assessor/Recorder Phil Ting, former SF Supervisor Bevan Dufty, along with the Grand marshalls of SF Pride .

Guest speakers:  The celebrity Grand marshalls of the Parade along with the elected officials listed above.

The Band: Many thanks to The San Francisco Lesbian/Gay Freedom Band for performing in 2011.

A big thank you to our 2011 Sponsors: the SF LGBT Pride Celebration Committee, Toad Hall owner Les Natali, the Castro Lions Club, the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence, the Grand Ducal Council, Hodgkins Jewelers, Betty's List (for email promotion), and the SF Police Department Park Station for providing traffic control.


2010 Commemoration Ceremony Program:

Honored Guests: SF Mayor Gavin Newsom, CA State Senator Mark Leno, CA Assemblymember Tom Ammiano, SF Supervisor Bevan Dufty, SF Treasurer Jose Cisneros, SF Supervisor David Campos,  SF Assessor/Recorder Phil Ting, and the Grand marshalls of SF Pride .

Guest speaker Andy Bell, the lead singer of the pop group Erasure gave "The History of the Pink Triangle." He is one of the most acclaimed and beloved singers in British and US pop.  He has five  #1 hits and has had 17 Top-10 UK singles. 

Guest speaker: The Deputy Lord Mayor of Sydney Australia Phillip Black added an international perspective to the discussion of the persecution of those within the LGBT community worldwide.  He also spoke of the great positive aspects our community enjoys within Sydney.

The Band: The San Francisco Lesbian/Gay Freedom Band performed.


2009 Commemoration Ceremony Program:

Honored Guests: Actress Cloris Leachman, CA State Senator Mark Leno, CA Assemblymember Tom Ammiano, SF Supervisor Bevan Dufty, SF Treasurer Jose Cisneros, President of the SF Board of Supervisors David Chiu, SF Supervisor David Campos,  Grand marshalls of SF Pride .

Guest speaker actress Cloris Leachman gave "The History of the Pink Triangle." She is an Emmy and Oscar-winning actress of stage, film, and television. She has won eight Primetime Emmy Awards--more than any other female performer, and won an Oscar for "The Last Picture Show."

Guest speaker Congressman Jared Polis of Colorado, was unable to attend at the last minute.

Guest speaker Lieutenant Dan Choi graduated from the U. S. Military Academy at West Point in 2003 with a degree in Arabic and Environmental Engineering. His fluency in Arabic and West Point degree became very useful to the Army's mission in Iraq as he did not need to use an interpreter. He declared his sexual orientation publicly on national television, on The Rachel Maddow Show, resulting in his recent notification of discharge despite his desire to continue serving. He fights for the repeal of the discriminatory Don't Ask Don't Tell policy and reminds all soldiers that they are not alone, and they should never be ashamed of being honest with themselves and others.

The Band: The San Francisco Lesbian/Gay Freedom Band performed.


2008 Commemoration Ceremony Program:

Honored Guests: SF Mayor Gavin Newsom, CA State Senator Carole Migden, CA Assemblymember Mark Leno, SF Supervisor Tom Ammiano, SF Supervisor Bevan Dufty, San Francisco Treasurer Jose Cisneros, President of the SF Board of Supervisors David Chui, SF Supervisor David Campos, SF Assessor/Recorder Phil Ting, Grand marshalls of SF Pride .

Guest speaker: Roger Rees: actor of CHEERS, Nicholas Nickleby, and many other productions told " The History of the Pink Triangle "

Guest speaker: Ashram Parsi who has been called the " first Iranian gay activist "

Guest speaker: The Consul General of the Federal Republic of Germany Rolf Schutte

Guest speakers - Celebrity Grand marshalls:

*         Stuart Milk:  Nephew of Harvey Milk, and much like his uncle, Stuart proudly presents a message of providing hope to young people and the disenfranchised.      

*         Dustin Lance Black:  Academy-Award winning author of the screenplay for the film " Milk "

*         Cleve Jones: the Creator of the amazing NAMES PROJECT Quilt among other great contributions to our community.

The Band: The San Francisco Lesbian/Gay Freedom Band performed




29th Pink Triangle installed for SF Pride with help from 600+ volunteers. Watch ceremony highlights, including SF Mayor London Breed, in ABC7NewsBayArea story (1:58) by Cornell Barnard.

The Pink Triangle Returns to Twin Peaks With a Brighter Pink Look for Pride 2023 With a Little Help From Nearly 400 Volunteers. Watch KTVU Fox News story with KTVU's Dave Detling.

Watch KRON4's 06/10/2023 interview with Pink Triangle founder Patrick Carney about the history and meaning behind the pink triangle symbol.

In 2021, House Speaker Congresswoman Nancy Pelosi, SF Mayor London Breed, Pink Triangle Founder Patrick Carney (holding pink torch) and Illuminate CEO Ben Davis celebrate as the lights are turned on which can be seen glowing in the background.
See NBC Bay Area Ch 4 News Story:San Francisco Lights Up Pink Triangle on Twin Peaks to Kick Off Pride Month(Photo: NBC Bay Area)
Photo by GOOCH
Nancy Pelosi is introduced by Patrick Carney at 16m:40s(Photo: Gooch)

Watch 2,700 pink lights turn on for the 26th annual Pink Triangle cermony that was held June 1st.

Last year's 25th annual Pink Triangle was illuminated for the first time on June 27, 2020 so it could SHINE as a Beacon of Hope for the 50th anniversary of SF Pride.

This SF Chronicle photo (Photo: Santiago Mejia, The Chronicle) captures the glow of the Pink Triangle after the lights were turned on:
The SF Chronicle featured this photo of the Pink Triangle illuminated at night on the front page of the 06/28/20 Sunday edition.

Below is a photo from the 06/29/20 Monday feature story that appeared on the frontpage of the SF Chron Datebook section by reporter Lily Janiak: LED-powered Pink Triangle shines in dark times on its 25th anniversary
Ben Davis(left), Patrick Carney, Mayor London Breed (holding pink torch) and Sister Roma celebrate the 25th annual Pink Triangle (Photo: Santiago Mejia)

See latest 2020 news coverage of the Twin Peaks Pink Triangle:
*SF Chronicle: 2020 Pink Triangle for Pride Can Be Seen From Space
*ABC7 KGO NEWS - SF BAY AREA video(3:11): Reporter Cornell Barnard reports on the Giant Pink Triangle to Illuminate SF
*Yahoo! News: Bay Lights team to illuminate Twin Peaks Pink Triangle for 25th Anniversary
*KPIX CBS SF BAY AREA video(2:20): Pink Triangle Above SF Will Be Illuminated During Pride 2020
*San Francisco Examiner: Pink Triangle to light up for 25th anniversary
*48 Hills: Giant Pink Triangle display bursts into 2700 twinkling lights

See 2019 news:
*SF Chronicle article: SF Pride Weekend kicks into gear with Pink Triangle installation

See 2018 news:
*SF Chronicle article: Pink Triangle a Haunting Reminder of Nazi Persecution
*KPIX CBS Bay Area video(1:35): Pink Triangle, Symbol of SF Pride, Rises Again Above the City
*The Six O Clock News on KTVU Fox 2 (2:49): Reporter Leigh Martinez reports on the Pink Triangle display atop Twin Peaks

See 2017 news:
*SF Chronicle article: Pink Triangle rises again as symbol of pride for LGBT community

See 2015 news:
*SF Chronicle article: historic front page coverage of the 2015 Pink Triangle: Supreme Court decision fires up Pride celebrations
*SF Chronicle article:

Recent videos: Watch special guest speaker Michael Tilson Thomas, SF Symphony Director, give the "History of the Pink Triangle" in 2013.
KTVU News: Time lapse video of the Pink Triangle install.

Welcome to the home page of the Pink Triangle of San Francisco, the annual commemoration of the gay victims who were persecuted and killed in concentration camps in Nazi Germany starting in 1933 through the end of WWII. The pink triangle symbol has since evolved into an important reminder for the gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender community of the continuing homophobia and inhumanity against them and other repressed minorities around the world. We transform the side of the Twin Peaks north hill facing the Castro district and downtown San Francisco, into a memorial by installing a giant pink triangle made up of dozens of pieces of pink canvas that can be seen from miles away during SF Pride weekend each year.

Pink Triangle mayoral proclamation

Dem House Leader Nancy Pelosi speaking, with SF Supervisor Scott Weiner (from l to r), Pink Triangle Event Organizer Patrick Carney, State Senator Mark Leno and Assemblymember Tom Ammiano in 2012.

SF Mayor Edwin Lee Speaking

Mayor Edwin Lee at the podium with Democratic House Leader Nancy Pelosi, Patrick Carney and State Senator Mark Leno in 2012.

SF Mayor Edwin Lee Speaking

Patrick Carney, with former Mayor Gavin Newsom and former Supervisor Tom Ammiano, displays the Pink Triangle Weekend Mayoral Proclamation in 2008.

Pink Triangle 2009 Group Photo

Group photo from the 2009 Pink Triangle Commemoration Ceremony.

Cloris Leachman with Patrick Carney and friends at Pink Triangle 2009

Academy Award winning actress Cloris Leachman with Patrick Carney, Edith Carney, Colleen Hodgkins, Shelley McClean and Lynn Condit in 2009.

Watch a short video about the pink triangle installation on Twin Peaks produced by Sean Chapin Productions, set to music, the song 'Meet Me On The Mountain', sung by Ryan Harrison and written by Shawn Kirchner.

Pink Triangle 2008 animated

2008 Pink Triangle Installation photos. Notice the foggy early morning weather that year!

Pink Triangle: animated views

Various Pink Triangle views close up and from a distance.

The Pink Triangle: volunteers and friends

Photos of volunteers and friends of the Pink Triangle. Thanks to all who participated.


Home of the Pink Triangle

Donate to the Pink Triangle!

Why is the Pink Triangle installed each year?

Countries where homosexuality is illegal

History: the symbol

History: the commemoration

History: volunteers

Pictures : Pink Triangle & Friends

Pictures : as yet unsorted

Video clips of previous Pink Triangle ceremonies

VOLUNTEER at the Pink Triangle (plus WAIVER form)

Directions to the Pink Triangle

Contact Friends of the Pink Triangle

The Pink Triangle

Creative Commons License Unless otherwise noted, the content and photos of this page are copyrighted 1995-2023 by The Friends of The Pink Triangle under the Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 license, some rights reserved. Website started in 1999 by Katie Hickox with help from David Helton; website updates by Katie Hickox; current design and implementaton by Michael 'Mickey' Sattler.